Brittnee Waindubence

Brittnee Waindubence is the Lake Huron women’s representative on the Eshki-Niigiijig Advisory Council (Youth).
She comes from Sheguiandah First Nation on Manitoulin Island, attending Kenjgewin Teg and looking forward to graduating training in the trades as a future welder.
In her role on the Youth Advisory Council, Brittnee has attended meetings with the Ontario Minister of the Environment and has become very involved in the advocacy and development of the Personhood of Water spearheaded by the Anishinabek Nation Lands Department in collaboration with the Youth Council.
Her priorities remain to protect the lands, waters, culture and traditions, and her message for today’s Anishinabek Youth is that “we are the future knowledge keepers and protectors of our lands for the future generations to come.”